Sunday, September 14, 2008

2nd trimester here I come!

So, yesterday marks my ninth week! Only a few more weeks left and we will officially be in the second trimester- can you believe it? I feel like it has been forever already and it's only been 5 weeks since we found out! I keep forgetting to take a belly picture. I really think I am showing already which isn't really supposed to be happening so soon- what does that mean? Joey reminded me yesterday that twins do run on his side of the family! I can't even think about that!!

I have been gradually feeling better, I hope that it sticks. My allergies and sinuses are a different story and I can't really do anything about it, so Que Sera! We went for a walk yesterday for the first time in a month- it was nice but very hot! My sciatica is really bothering me, so hopefully we can get back in to a routine of daily walks and that will help. 

I always hate Sundays because it just means I have another week of work ahead, but that's life. I would really love to be a stay-at-home mom once the baby is born, but our finances tell us that's not gonna happen =) Maybe I can at least work part-time. We'll see. I think the saying is, "another day another dollar".